Tested 2025-01-16 20:55:00 using Chrome 131.0.6778.85 (runtime settings).
Metric | Value |
Page metrics | |
Performance score | 62 |
Total page size | 1.4 MB |
Requests | 110 |
Timing metrics | |
TTFB | 861 ms |
First Paint | 4.233 s |
Fully Loaded | 13.932 s |
Google Web Vitals | |
TTFB | 861 ms |
First Contentful Paint (FCP) | 4.233 s |
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) | 10.439 s |
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) | 0.73 |
Total Blocking Time | 142 ms |
Max Potential FID | 116 ms |
CPU metrics | |
CPU long tasks | 5 |
CPU last long task happens at | 13.943 s |
Visual Metrics | |
First Visual Change | 4.233 s |
Speed Index | 7.343 s |
Visual Complete 85% | 10.467 s |
Visual Complete 99% | 10.700 s |
Last Visual Change | 10.933 s |
to show all filmstrips.
The coach helps you find performance problems on your web page using web performance best practice rules. And gives you advice on privacy and best practices. Tested using Coach-core version 8.1.1.
Title | Advice | Score | |||||||||
Don't scale images in the browser (avoidScalingImages) | The page has 3 images that are scaled more than 100 pixels. It would be better if those images are sent so the browser don't need to scale them. | 70 | |||||||||
Description: It's easy to scale images in the browser and make sure they look good in different devices, however that is bad for performance! Scaling images in the browser takes extra CPU time and will hurt performance on mobile. And the user will download extra kilobytes (sometimes megabytes) of data that could be avoided. Don't do that, make sure you create multiple version of the same image server-side and serve the appropriate one. | |||||||||||
Offenders: | |||||||||||
Have a fast first contentful paint (firstContentfulPaint) | First contentful paint is poor (4.233 s). It is in the Google Web Vitals poor range, slower than 3 seconds. | 0 | |||||||||
Description: The First Contentful Paint (FCP) metric measures the time from when the page starts loading to when any part of the page content is rendered on the screen. For this metric, "content" refers to text, images (including background images), <svg> elements, or non-white <canvas> elements. | |||||||||||
Inline CSS for faster first render (inlineCss) | The page has both inline CSS and CSS requests even though it uses a HTTP/2-ish connection. If you have many users on slow connections, it can be better to only inline the CSS. Run your own tests and check the waterfall graph to see what happens. | 95 | |||||||||
Description: In the early days of the Internet, inlining CSS was one of the ugliest things you can do. That has changed if you want your page to start rendering fast for your user. Always inline the critical CSS when you use HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 (avoid doing CSS requests that block rendering) and lazy load and cache the rest of the CSS. It is a little more complicated when using HTTP/2. Does your server support HTTP push? Then maybe that can help. Do you have a lot of users on a slow connection and are serving large chunks of HTML? Then it could be better to use the inline technique, becasue some servers always prioritize HTML content over CSS so the user needs to download the HTML first, before the CSS is downloaded. | |||||||||||
Have a fast largest contentful paint (largestContentfulPaint) | Largest contentful paint is poor 10.439 s. It is in the Google Web Vitals poor range, slower than 4.5 seconds. You can add fetchPriority="high" to the image to increase the load priority in Chrome. The image is lazy loaded using the lazy attribute, you should avoid that on the LCP image. | 0 | |||||||||
Description: Largest contentful paint is one of Google Web Vitals and reports the render time of the largest image or text block visible within the viewport, relative to when the page first started loading. To be fast according to Google, it needs to render before 2.5 seconds and results over 4 seconds is poor performance. | |||||||||||
Offenders: | |||||||||||
Avoid CPU Long Tasks (longTasks) | The page has 5 CPU long tasks with the total of 392 ms. The total blocking time is 142 ms . However the CPU Long Task is depending on the computer/phones actual CPU speed, so you should measure this on the same type of the device that your user is using. Use Geckoprofiler for Firefox or Chromes tracelog to debug your long tasks. | 0 | |||||||||
Description: Long CPU tasks locks the thread. To the user this is commonly visible as a "locked up" page where the browser is unable to respond to user input; this is a major source of bad user experience on the web today. However the CPU Long Task is depending on the computer/phones actual CPU speed, so you should measure this on the same type of the device that your user is using. To debug you should use the Chrome timeline log and drag/drop it into devtools or use Firefox Geckoprofiler. | |||||||||||
Offenders: | |||||||||||
Avoid Frontend single point of failures (spof) | The page has 10 requests inside of the head that can cause a SPOF (single point of failure). Load them asynchronously or move them outside of the document head. | 90 | |||||||||
Description: A page can be stopped from loading in the browser if a single JavaScript, CSS, and in some cases a font, couldn't be fetched or is loading really slowly (the white screen of death). That is a scenario you really want to avoid. Never load 3rd-party components synchronously inside of the head tag. | |||||||||||
Offenders: | |||||||||||
Avoid extra requests by setting cache headers (cacheHeaders) | The page has 35 requests that are missing a cache time. Configure a cache time so the browser doesn't need to download them every time. It will save 213.4 kB the next access. | 0 | |||||||||
Description: The easiest way to make your page fast is to avoid doing requests to the server. Setting a cache header on your server response will tell the browser that it doesn't need to download the asset again during the configured cache time! Always try to set a cache time if the content doesn't change for every request. | |||||||||||
Offenders: | |||||||||||
Long cache headers is good (cacheHeadersLong) | The page has 1 request that have a shorter cache time than 30 days (but still a cache time). | 99 | |||||||||
Description: Setting a cache header is good. Setting a long cache header (at least 30 days) is even better beacause then it will stay long in the browser cache. But what do you do if that asset change? Rename it and the browser will pick up the new version. | |||||||||||
Offenders: | |||||||||||
Total CSS size shouldn't be too big (cssSize) | The total CSS transfer size is 116.1 kB and uncompressed size is 696.7 kB. That is big and the CSS could most probably be smaller. | 50 | |||||||||
Description: Delivering a massive amount of CSS to the browser is not the best thing you can do, because it means more work for the browser when parsing the CSS against the HTML and that makes the rendering slower. Try to send only the CSS that is used on that page. And make sure to remove CSS rules when they aren't used anymore. | |||||||||||
Offenders: | |||||||||||
The favicon should be small and cacheable (favicon) | The favicon has no cache time. | 50 | |||||||||
Description: It is easy to make the favicon big but please avoid doing that, because every browser will then perform an unnecessarily large download. And make sure the cache headers are set for a long time for the favicon. It is easy to miss since it's another content type. | |||||||||||
Offenders: | |||||||||||
Avoid too many fonts (fewFonts) | The page has 4 font requests. Do you really need them? What value does the fonts give the user? | 60 | |||||||||
Description: How many fonts do you need on a page for the user to get the message? Fonts can slow down the rendering of content, try to avoid loading too many of them because worst case it can make the text invisible until they are loaded (FOIT—flash of invisible text), best case they will flicker the text content when they arrive. | |||||||||||
Offenders: | |||||||||||
Total JavaScript size shouldn't be too big (javascriptSize) | The total JavaScript transfer size is 806.3 kB and the uncompressed size is 2.7 MB. This is totally crazy! There is really room for improvement here. | 0 | |||||||||
Description: A lot of JavaScript often means you are downloading more than you need. How complex is the page and what can the user do on the page? Do you use multiple JavaScript frameworks? | |||||||||||
Offenders: | |||||||||||
Avoid using incorrect mime types (mimeTypes) | The page has 2 misconfigured mime types. | 98 | |||||||||
Description: It's not a great idea to let browsers guess content types (content sniffing), in some cases it can actually be a security risk. | |||||||||||
Offenders: | |||||||||||
Make each CSS response small (optimalCssSize) | https://static-catalog.diamant.ru/_next/static/css/da5c851fe6abc320.css size is 51.9 kB (51937) and that is bigger than the limit of 14.5 kB. https://static-catalog.diamant.ru/_next/static/css/c33f0e01344a21c9.css size is 33.2 kB (33199) and that is bigger than the limit of 14.5 kB. Try to make the CSS files fit into 14.5 KB. | 80 | |||||||||
Description: Make CSS responses small to fit into the magic number TCP window size of 14.5 KB. The browser can then download the CSS faster and that will make the page start rendering earlier. | |||||||||||
| |||||||||||
Don't use private headers on static content (privateAssets) | The page has 5 requests with private headers. The main page has a private header. It could be right in some cases where the user can be logged in and served specific content. But if your asset is static it should never be private. Make sure that the assets really should be private and only used by one user. Otherwise, make it cacheable for everyone. | 60 | |||||||||
Description: If you set private headers on content, that means that the content are specific for that user. Static content should be able to be cached and used by everyone. Avoid setting the cache header to private. | |||||||||||
Offenders: | |||||||||||
Avoid missing and error requests (responseOk) | The page has 1 error response. The page has 1 response with code 404. | 90 | |||||||||
Description: Your page should never request assets that return a 400 or 500 error. These requests are never cached. If that happens something is broken. Please fix it. | |||||||||||
Offenders: |
Title | Advice | Score |
Use a good Content-Security-Policy header to make sure you you avoid Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks. (contentSecurityPolicyHeader) | Set a Content-Security-Policy header to make sure you are not open for Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks. You can start with setting a Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only header, that will only report the violation, not stop the download. | 0 |
Description: Content Security Policy is delivered via a HTTP response header, and defines approved sources of content that the browser may load. It can be an effective countermeasure to Cross Site Scripting (XSS) attacks and is also widely supported and usually easily deployed. https://scotthelme.co.uk/content-security-policy-an-introduction/. | ||
Offenders: | ||
Set a referrer-policy header to make sure you do not leak user information. (referrerPolicyHeader) | Set a referrer-policy header to make sure you do not leak user information. | 0 |
Description: Referrer Policy is a new header that allows a site to control how much information the browser includes with navigations away from a document and should be set by all sites. https://scotthelme.co.uk/a-new-security-header-referrer-policy/. | ||
Offenders: | ||
Set a strict transport header to make sure the user always use HTTPS. (strictTransportSecurityHeader) | A strict transport header is set but miss out on setting includeSubDomainsThe max age is lower than six months. Increase it to get a better score. | 70 |
Description: The HTTP Strict-Transport-Security response header (often abbreviated as HSTS) lets a web site tell browsers that it should only be accessed using HTTPS, instead of using HTTP. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Strict-Transport-Security. |
Page info | |
Title | Кольцо из золота с гранатом арт. 51-310-01741-2 от DIAMANT |
Width | 500 |
Height | 2990 |
DOM elements | 916 |
Avg DOM depth | 14 |
Max DOM depth | 23 |
Iframes | 0 |
Script tags | 22 |
Local storage | 198 B |
Session storage | 550 B |
Network Information API | 3g |
Resource Hints |
dns-prefetch |
http://cdn.diginetica.net/ |
preconnect |
http://autocomplete.diginetica.net/ |
https://static.criteo.net/ |
https://cm.g.doubleclick.net/ |
https://ad.mail.ru/ |
https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/ |
https://www.googletagmanager.com/ |
https://www.google-analytics.com/ |
https://api.mindbox.ru/ |
https://api.flocktory.com/ |
https://demo4.paasweb.co.il/ |
Data collected using Wappalyzer version 6.10.66. With updated code from Webappanalyzer 2024-12-27. Use --browsertime.firefox.includeResponseBodies html
or --browsertime.chrome.includeResponseBodies html
to help Wappalyzer find more information about technologies used.
Technology | Confidence | Category |
Nginx | 100 | Web servers Reverse proxies |
Amazon Web Services | 100 | PaaS |
HSTS | 100 | Security |
Visual Metrics | |
First Visual Change | 4.233 s |
Speed Index | 7.343 s |
Visual Complete 85% | 10.467 s |
Visual Complete 95% | 10.500 s |
Visual Complete 99% | 10.700 s |
Last Visual Change | 10.933 s |
Visual Readiness | 6.700 s |
Navigation Timing | |
backEndTime | 861 ms |
domContentLoadedTime | 7.879 s |
domInteractiveTime | 895 ms |
domainLookupTime | 152 ms |
frontEndTime | 6.988 s |
pageDownloadTime | 32 ms |
pageLoadTime | 7.881 s |
redirectionTime | 0 ms |
serverConnectionTime | 366 ms |
serverResponseTime | 370 ms |
Google Web Vitals | |
Time to first byte (TTFB) | 861 ms |
First Contentful Paint (FCP) | 4.233 s |
Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) | 10.439 s |
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) | 0.73 |
Total Blocking Time (TBT) | 142 ms |
First Contentful Paint info | |
Elements that needed recalculate style before FCP | 177 |
Time spent in recalculate style before FCP | 13.321 ms |
Extra timings | |
TTFB | 861 ms |
First Paint | 4.233 s |
Load Event End | 7.881 s |
Fully loaded | 13.932 s |
User Timing marks | |
Zone | 11.308 s |
Zone:ZoneAwarePromise | 11.313 s |
Zone:toString | 11.314 s |
Zone:util | 11.314 s |
Zone:legacy | 11.315 s |
Zone:timers | 11.315 s |
Zone:requestAnimationFrame | 11.316 s |
Zone:blocking | 11.316 s |
Zone:EventTarget | 11.316 s |
Zone:MutationObserver | 11.317 s |
Zone:IntersectionObserver | 11.317 s |
Zone:FileReader | 11.317 s |
Zone:on_property | 11.318 s |
Zone:customElements | 11.339 s |
Zone:XHR | 11.340 s |
Zone:geolocation | 11.340 s |
Zone:PromiseRejectionEvent | 11.340 s |
Zone:queueMicrotask | 11.341 s |
User Timing measures | ||
Name | Start time | Duration |
Next.js-before-hydration | 0 ms | 7.875 s |
Next.js-hydration | 7.875 s | 72 ms |
Zone | 11.308 s | 5 ms |
Zone:ZoneAwarePromise | 11.313 s | 1 ms |
Zone:toString | 11.314 s | 0 ms |
Zone:util | 11.314 s | 1 ms |
Zone:legacy | 11.315 s | 0 ms |
Zone:timers | 11.315 s | 0 ms |
Zone:requestAnimationFrame | 11.316 s | 0 ms |
Zone:blocking | 11.316 s | 0 ms |
Zone:EventTarget | 11.316 s | 1 ms |
Zone:MutationObserver | 11.317 s | 0 ms |
Zone:IntersectionObserver | 11.317 s | 0 ms |
Zone:FileReader | 11.317 s | 0 ms |
Zone:on_property | 11.318 s | 22 ms |
Zone:customElements | 11.339 s | 0 ms |
Zone:XHR | 11.340 s | 0 ms |
Zone:geolocation | 11.340 s | 0 ms |
Zone:PromiseRejectionEvent | 11.340 s | 0 ms |
Zone:queueMicrotask | 11.341 s | 0 ms |
When in time the page main content is rendered (collected using the Largest Contentful Paint API). Read more about Largest Contentful Paint.
Element type | IMG |
Element/tag | <img alt="Кольцо из золота с гранатом - фото № 1" itemprop="contentUrl" loading="lazy" width="350" height="350" decoding="async" data-nimg="1" class="mobile_main-swiper-slide__content__6H9W9 mobile_main-swiper-slide__content_image__Fj56u" src="https://pmdn.sokolov.io/pics/16/56/C5C9BDF0F6E251D99EB889D98BE2.jpg" style="color: transparent;"> |
Render time | 10.439 s |
Elements that needed recalculate style before LCP | 1769 |
Time spent in recalculate style before LCP | 93.912 ms |
Load time | 10.439 s |
URL | https://pmdn.sokolov...99EB889D98BE2.jpg |
Size (width*height) | 242500 |
DOM path | |
div#__next > div#catalog > div > main > div > div > div > div:eq(1) > div:eq(0) > div > div:eq(1) > div:eq(0) > div:eq(0) > div:eq(0) > div > div > img> div#__next > div#catalog > div > main > div > div > div > div:eq(1) > div:eq(0) > div > div:eq(1) > div:eq(0) > div:eq(0) > div:eq(0) > div > div > img> |
0.72518 cumulative layout shift collected from the Cumulative Layout Shift API.
These HTML elements contribute most to the Cumulative Layout Shifts of the page. The higher score, the more layout shift.
Score | HTML Element |
0.69431 | <div class="Product_sklv-product-page__accordions__MAYq6"></div>,<section class="Product_sklv-product-page__comments__GPmNd"></section>,<section class="Product_sklv-product-page__product-title__JUTX4"></section>,<footer class="DiamantFooter_footer__tyY4h DiamantFooter_diamant_footer___i6wl" style="overflow:hidden"></footer>,<div class="Product_sklv-product-page__price-wrapper__o8gD6"></div> |
body > div#__next > div#catalog > div > main > div > div > div > div:eq(1) > div:eq(2),body > div#__next > div#catalog > div > main > div > div > div > div:eq(1) > div:eq(1) > div:eq(0) > section:eq(1),body > div#__next > div#catalog > div > main > div > div > div > div:eq(1) > div:eq(1) > div:eq(0) > section:eq(2),body > div#__next > div#catalog > div > footer,body > div#__next > div#catalog > div > main > div > div > div > div:eq(1) > div:eq(1) > div:eq(1) > div:eq(1) | |
0.03086 | <section class="Product_sklv-product-page-recomendations__toqfi"></section>,<footer class="DiamantFooter_footer__tyY4h DiamantFooter_diamant_footer___i6wl" style="overflow:hidden"></footer>,<section class="Product_sklv-product-page__chips__KCCfL"></section>,<div class="Product_sklv-product-page__price-wrapper__o8gD6"></div>,<div class="Product_sklv-product-page__accordions__MAYq6"></div> |
body > div#__next > div#catalog > div > main > div > div > div > div:eq(1) > section,body > div#__next > div#catalog > div > footer,body > div#__next > div#catalog > div > main > div > div > div > div:eq(1) > div:eq(1) > div:eq(0) > section:eq(3),body > div#__next > div#catalog > div > main > div > div > div > div:eq(1) > div:eq(1) > div:eq(1) > div:eq(1),body > div#__next > div#catalog > div > main > div > div > div > div:eq(1) > div:eq(2) |
The elements that have shifted place is highlighted in the image (that have a higher value than 0.01). If the element shifted outside of the viewport, you will not see it there. It can be hard to understand what content that has shifted, if that's the case, checkout the video or the filmstrip of the run.
Read more about the Long Animation Frames API here here.
The top 10 longest animation frames entries
Blocking duration | Work duration | Render duration | PreLayout Duration | Style And Layout Duration |
67 ms | 120.4 ms | 0.6 ms | 0.3 ms | 0.3 ms |
https://static-catalog.diamant.ru/_next/static/chunks/framework-12a8921dab738876.js | ||||
Forced Style And Layout Duration: 7 ms Invoker: MessagePort.onmessage |
Blocking duration | Work duration | Render duration | PreLayout Duration | Style And Layout Duration |
61 ms | 117.2 ms | 2.8 ms | 1.3 ms | 1.5 ms |
No availible script information. |
Blocking duration | Work duration | Render duration | PreLayout Duration | Style And Layout Duration |
17 ms | 66.4 ms | 0.6 ms | 1.1 ms | -0.5 ms |
https://static-catalog.diamant.ru/_next/static/chunks/pages/product/client/%5Barticle%5D-56edb85a250660bf.js | ||||
Invoker: https://static-catalog.diamant.ru/_next/static/chunks/pages/product/client/%5Barticle%5D-56edb85a250660bf.js |
Blocking duration | Work duration | Render duration | PreLayout Duration | Style And Layout Duration |
8 ms | 51.6 ms | 6.4 ms | 5.6 ms | 0.8 ms |
https://cdn.diginetica.net/5183/client.js | ||||
Invoker: https://cdn.diginetica.net/5183/client.js | ||||
https://static-catalog.diamant.ru/_next/static/chunks/6434.a726009e658608fe.js | ||||
Invoker: FrameRequestCallback |
Blocking duration | Work duration | Render duration | PreLayout Duration | Style And Layout Duration |
1 ms | 51 ms | 0 ms | 0 ms | 0 ms |
https://static-catalog.diamant.ru/_next/static/chunks/pages/_app-c0387b52a16aac65.js | ||||
Invoker: https://static-catalog.diamant.ru/_next/static/chunks/pages/_app-c0387b52a16aac65.js |
Blocking duration | Work duration | Render duration | PreLayout Duration | Style And Layout Duration |
0 ms | 3.333 s | 23.7 ms | 0.1 ms | 23.6 ms |
No availible script information. |
Blocking duration | Work duration | Render duration | PreLayout Duration | Style And Layout Duration |
0 ms | 59.3 ms | 2.7 ms | 2 ms | 0.7 ms |
No availible script information. |
There are no Server Timings.
There are no custom configured scripts.
There are no custom extra metrics from scripting.
name | value |
AudioHandlers | 0 |
AudioWorkletProcessors | 0 |
Documents | 9 |
Frames | 4 |
JSEventListeners | 1264 |
LayoutObjects | 462 |
MediaKeySessions | 0 |
MediaKeys | 0 |
Nodes | 1872 |
Resources | 108 |
ContextLifecycleStateObservers | 112 |
V8PerContextDatas | 1 |
WorkerGlobalScopes | 0 |
UACSSResources | 0 |
RTCPeerConnections | 0 |
ResourceFetchers | 9 |
AdSubframes | 0 |
DetachedScriptStates | 2 |
ArrayBufferContents | 70 |
LayoutCount | 46 |
RecalcStyleCount | 200 |
LayoutDuration | 38 |
RecalcStyleDuration | 99 |
DevToolsCommandDuration | 32 |
ScriptDuration | 582 |
V8CompileDuration | 2 |
TaskDuration | 1284 |
TaskOtherDuration | 531 |
ThreadTime | 1 |
ProcessTime | 3 |
JSHeapUsedSize | 16231112 |
JSHeapTotalSize | 32530432 |
FirstMeaningfulPaint | -15345999770 |
How the page is built.
Summary | |
HTTP version | HTTP/2.0 |
Total requests | 110 |
Total domains | 8 |
Total transfer size | 1.4 MB |
Total content size | 3.9 MB |
Responses missing compression | 42 |
Number of cookies | 18 |
Third party cookies | 0 |
Requests per response code | |
200 | 106 |
201 | 1 |
206 | 2 |
404 | 1 |
Content | Header Size | Transfer Size | Content Size | Requests |
html | 0 b | 11.5 KB | 41.5 KB | 1 |
css | 0 b | 113.4 KB | 680.4 KB | 10 |
javascript | 558 B | 787.4 KB | 2.6 MB | 47 |
image | 0 b | 268.4 KB | 266.4 KB | 7 |
font | 0 b | 208.2 KB | 206.8 KB | 4 |
json | 0 b | 33.4 KB | 73.7 KB | 28 |
other | 0 b | 0 b | 0 b | 2 |
favicon | 0 b | 1.4 KB | 9.4 KB | 1 |
plain | 0 b | 0 b | 0 b | 4 |
svg | 0 b | 2.0 KB | 1.1 KB | 3 |
video | 0 b | 0 b | 64.0 KB | 2 |
Total | 558 B | 1.4 MB | 3.9 MB | 109 |
Domain | Total download time | Transfer Size | Content Size | Requests |
diamant.ru | 9.116 s | 167.9 KB | 198.4 KB | 25 |
cdn.sokolov.ru | 15.040 s | 301.5 KB | 299.7 KB | 5 |
static-catalog.diamant.ru | 55.336 s | 793.2 KB | 2.8 MB | 60 |
seo.sokolov.ru | 2.016 s | 2.1 KB | 1.7 KB | 4 |
catalog.sokolov.ru | 2.949 s | 9.6 KB | 48.6 KB | 8 |
pmdn.sokolov.io | 3.457 s | 40.9 KB | 39.6 KB | 5 |
2pmdn.sokolov.io | 2.503 s | N/A | 64.0 KB | 2 |
cdn.diginetica.net | 3.074 s | 111.4 KB | 485.5 KB | 1 |
type | min | median | max |
Expires | 0 seconds | 1 year | 1 year |
Last modified | 15 hours | 3 weeks | 1 year |
Included requests done after load event end.
Content | Transfer Size | Requests |
html | 0 b | 0 |
css | 8.5 KB | 5 |
javascript | 232.5 KB | 28 |
image | 268.4 KB | 7 |
font | 0 b | 0 |
json | 33.4 KB | 28 |
other | 0 b | 2 |
favicon | 1.4 KB | 1 |
plain | 0 b | 4 |
svg | 2.0 KB | 3 |
video | 0 b | 2 |
Total | 547.1 KB | 81 |
Includes requests done after DOM content loaded.
Content | Transfer Size | Requests |
html | 0 b | 0 |
css | 8.5 KB | 5 |
javascript | 232.5 KB | 28 |
image | 268.4 KB | 7 |
font | 0 b | 0 |
json | 33.4 KB | 28 |
other | 0 b | 2 |
favicon | 1.4 KB | 1 |
plain | 0 b | 4 |
svg | 2.0 KB | 3 |
video | 0 b | 2 |
Total | 547.1 KB | 81 |
Render blocking information directly from Chrome.
Blocking | In body parser blocking | Potentially blocking |
0 | 0 | 0 |
Download the Chrome trace log and drag and drop it into Developer Tools / Performance in Chrome.
Collected using the Long Task API. A long task is a task that take 50 milliseconds or more.
Type | Quantity | Total duration (ms) |
Total Blocking Time | 142 | |
Max Potential First Input Delay | 116 | |
Long Tasks before First Paint | 0 | 0 |
Long Tasks before First Contentful Paint | 0 | 0 |
Long Tasks before Largest Contentful Paint | 4 | 341 |
Long Tasks after Load Event End | 3 | 275 |
Total Long Tasks | 5 | 392 |
CPU last long task happened at 13.943 s
name | startTime | duration | containerId | containerName | containerSrc | containerType |
self | 6274 | 51 | window | |||
self | 7810 | 66 | window | |||
self | 7882 | 116 | window | |||
self | 9276 | 108 | window | |||
self | 13943 | 51 | window |
Calculated using Tracium.
Categories (ms) | |
parseHTML | 16 |
styleLayout | 139 |
paintCompositeRender | 48 |
scriptParseCompile | 2 |
scriptEvaluation | 728 |
garbageCollection | 24 |
other | 260 |
Events (ms) | |
FunctionCall | 470 |
RunMicrotasks | 203 |
RunTask | 195 |
UpdateLayoutTree | 102 |
Layout | 37 |
Paint | 33 |
PrePaint | 17 |
Layerize | 16 |
v8.run | 15 |
Commit | 14 |
V8.BytecodeBudgetInterrupt | 11 |
Tool/domain | Time (ms) |
static-catalog.diamant.ru | 772.8 |
Third party requests categorised by Third party web version 0.26.2.
Category | Requests |
Category | Number of tools |
Here's a list of domains that didn't match any tool in Third party web. If you are sure they are third party domains, please do a PR to that project. You can also fine tune the list using --firstParty
cdn.sokolov.ru |
seo.sokolov.ru |
catalog.sokolov.ru |
pmdn.sokolov.io |
2pmdn.sokolov.io |
cdn.diginetica.net |
Calculated using .*diamant.* (use --firstParty
to configure).
Content | Header Size | Transfer Size | Content Size | Requests |
html | 0 b | 11.5 KB | 41.5 KB | 1 |
css | 0 b | 113.4 KB | 680.4 KB | 10 |
javascript | 0 b | 676.0 KB | 2.1 MB | 46 |
image | 0 b | 134.2 KB | 133.8 KB | 1 |
font | 0 b | 0 b | 0 b | 0 |
json | 0 b | 21.8 KB | 23.4 KB | 22 |
favicon | 0 b | 1.4 KB | 9.4 KB | 1 |
svg | 0 b | 2.0 KB | 1.1 KB | 3 |
Total | N/A | 961.1 KB | 3.0 MB | 85 |
Content | Header Size | Transfer Size | Content Size | Requests |
html | 0 b | 0 b | 0 b | 0 |
css | 0 b | 0 b | 0 b | 0 |
javascript | 558 B | 111.4 KB | 485.5 KB | 1 |
image | 0 b | 134.2 KB | 132.5 KB | 6 |
font | 0 b | 208.2 KB | 206.8 KB | 4 |
other | 0 b | 0 b | 0 b | 2 |
plain | 0 b | 0 b | 0 b | 4 |
json | 0 b | 11.7 KB | 50.3 KB | 6 |
video | 0 b | 0 b | 64.0 KB | 2 |
Total | 534 B | 465.5 KB | 939.1 KB | 25 |
Axe is an accessibility testing engine for websites and other HTML-based user interfaces. Tested using axe-core version 4.10.2. Read more about axe-core .
critical | |
Buttons must have discernible text (cat.name-role-value,wcag2a,wcag412,section508,section508.22.a,TTv5,TT6.a,EN-301-549,EN-,ACT) - button-name | Ensure buttons have discernible text |
Fix any of the following:
Element does not have inner text that is visible to screen readers
aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty
aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty
Element has no title attribute
Element does not have an implicit (wrapped) <label>
Element does not have an explicit <label>
Element's default semantics were not overridden with role="none" or role="presentation"
| |
serious | |
Elements must meet minimum color contrast ratio thresholds (cat.color,wcag2aa,wcag143,TTv5,TT13.c,EN-301-549,EN-,ACT) - color-contrast | Ensure the contrast between foreground and background colors meets WCAG 2 AA minimum contrast ratio thresholds |
Fix any of the following:
Element has insufficient color contrast of 3.52 (foreground color: #808080, background color: #f2f2f2, font size: 7.5pt (10px), font weight: normal). Expected contrast ratio of 4.5:1
| |
moderate | |
Heading levels should only increase by one (cat.semantics,best-practice) - heading-order | Ensure the order of headings is semantically correct |
Fix any of the following:
Heading order invalid
| |
serious | |
Links must have discernible text (cat.name-role-value,wcag2a,wcag244,wcag412,section508,section508.22.a,TTv5,TT6.a,EN-301-549,EN-,EN-,ACT) - link-name | Ensure links have discernible text |
Fix all of the following:
Element is in tab order and does not have accessible text
Fix any of the following:
Element does not have text that is visible to screen readers
aria-label attribute does not exist or is empty
aria-labelledby attribute does not exist, references elements that do not exist or references elements that are empty
Element has no title attribute
| |
critical | |
Zooming and scaling must not be disabled (cat.sensory-and-visual-cues,wcag2aa,wcag144,EN-301-549,EN-,ACT) - meta-viewport | Ensure <meta name="viewport"> does not disable text scaling and zooming |
Fix any of the following:
user-scalable=no on <meta> tag disables zooming on mobile devices